Working with Cheryl was a collaborative and satisfying endeavor.
Cheryl knows how to move the policy process at the Federal Communications Commission and beyond.
Cheryl’s advice and counsel has allowed us to ramp up our coalition-based efforts to advance the civil and human rights community’s media/telecommunications priorities.

Cheryl Leanza brings almost twenty years of expertise in media and communications policy, bridging the gap between Washington DC policymaking and a wide variety of organizations. Cheryl can assist you with: Analyzing legislation and FCC decisions; Strategic planning for Congressional and FCC outreach; Setting up meetings with key decision-makers; Collaboration with the many organizations working in this sector, including specialized groups and national multi-issue … >> Read More

Smart Cities & Big Data: Where’s the Ethical Framework?
Last week, half a world away, Secretary of State John Kerry and Commerce Secretary Pritzker were engaged in high-level dialogue with political leaders in India. On the agenda: “smart cities.” All around the world, cities are often on the forefront of cutting edge policy debates. While in the U.S., the “laboratories of democracy” are thought of… Read More

Rallying Crowd to Save the Internet
Cheryl spoke at a Save The Internet Rally on behalf of her client, the United Church of Christ, OC Inc., demonstrating her ability to rally a crowd.
Client Success Stories

Faith-Based Grassroots Education and Action
Cheryl's client, the United Church of Christ's media justice and communications rights ministry, OC Inc., started work in coalition with other groups to end predatory prison phone rates. Cheryl was able to combine her policy skills with … [Read More...]

Progressive States Network
The Progressive States Network needed assistance during a staff transition in order to keep its program on community broadband for state legislators vital. Cheryl stepped in and seamlessly provided materials and a briefing for the annual … [Read More...]

Native Public Media
Native Public Media wanted to obtain a regulatory change that would facilitate radio service to tribal lands. NPM needed to build a record to assess the impact of various regulatory changes and eventually support a proposal to the Federal … [Read More...]