Faith Community Supports Net Neutrality!

This week is in important deadline for preserving net neutrality for an open Internet. These policies, being considered by the Federal Communications Commission, impact how everyone can use the Internet -- and as you may have heard in the news, a key part of the proposal will permit some companies to pay Internet companies so that their content will be faster and better for users. Here at UCC's media justice ministry, we have been long-time proponents of open Internet, and so have many of our friends in the faith community.

Sign up to receive updates about an open Internet from UCC's media justice ministry, and check out these great posts from around the web about Net Neutrality from the faith community:


10 Reasons Net Neutrality Matters to Progressive Christians  Our own UCC brand of affirmatively inclusive and justice-driven perspective, written by Kimberly Knight of our board. "We as compassionate livin’, justice seekin’, radically inclusive Christians can be, should be, role models for the whole world groaning toward justice. … We cannot condone a system that conditions a critical right on the ability to pay."

Killing Net Neutrality Kills the Dreams of Young Entrepreneurs  Joshua DuBois, the President’s former head of faith-based outreach, connecting Net Neutrality to Obama’s signature initiatives on equity--showing a young African American boy who is helped in so many ways by progressive policies, but is forced to abandon creating his own start-up because he can't compete with the big companies who have a built-in advantage enabled by the paid fast lane.

Life in the Fast Lane: FCC Plan on Net Neutrality Draws Criticism  From the Catholic News Service, "Everyone, at some point, has shifted over from one Communion line to another during Mass because it seemed shorter and, thus, faster.  Now imagine what it would be like if you could always have a ‘fast lane’ to receive Communion -- but you had to pay for it."

National Council of Churches Communications Commission Open Internet Resolution The NCC is a coalition of virtually all major Protestant churches: "We see every day the vital connection between a free and fair communications system and the achievement of important social justice goals… and therefore … urge the Federal Communications Commission to take any and all action to adopt network neutrality, including reclassification of broadband services as a telecommunications service, as a fundamental and necessary part of the framework for all forms of broadband Internet service…"

Sen Thune sets stage for Senate communications law overhaul

The top Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee is pushing for Congress to overhaul the law governing the Internet, television and phone service. Sen John Thune (R-SD) said that the Senate would likely begin work to update the law in 2015, and seemed to shine on the notion that Republicans would have taken control of the upper chamber.

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E-mail privacy act has votes to pass House

According to legislators and others, a bill protecting e-mail privacy has enough votes to pass in the House if it is brought up for a vote. The Email Privacy Act has 218 o-sponsors, according to the Computer & Communications Industry Association, whose members include Microsoft, Google and eBay, as well as Dish, Aereo, Sprint and T-Mobile.

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A Cable Merger Too Far

There are good reasons the Justice Department and the Federal Communications Commission should block Comcast’s $45 billion acquisition of Time Warner Cable.

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FCC failing on its No. 1 priority

For more than a decade, the Federal Communications Commission has been failing to protect the public interest and strengthen the nation's broadband infrastructure.

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FTC Chair Edith Ramirez Fights for Data Security and Privacy Rights

A Q&A with Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Edith Ramirez. She is putting the agency front and center as the nation’s leading enforcer on privacy and data security.

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Trans-Atlantic war over Google

Europe’s moves to rein in Google -- including a court ruling this month ordering the search giant to give people a say in what pops up when someone searches their name -- may be seen in Brussels as striking a blow for the little guy. But across the Atlantic, the idea that users should be able to edit Google search results in the name of privacy is being slammed as weird and difficult to enforce at best and a crackdown on free speech at worst.

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Tech: DC’s biggest loser?

Silicon Valley just can’t win in Washington.

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Chairman Walden Fears Rough Waters Ahead for FCC

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler agreed to be the lone witness at the House Communications Subcommittee FCC oversight hearing May 20, where he could hear it from both sides of the aisle on network neutrality, and Subcommittee Chairman Greg Walden (R-OR) indicated May 19 that it was not going to be a triumphal return for Chairman Wheeler.

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It’s not a “fast lane” but Comcast built a CDN to charge for video delivery

Comcast is now competing against content delivery networks (CDNs) such as Akamai with a new service that can improve delivery of video to Comcast subscribers in exchange for payment.

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