Today the United Church of Christ's General Minister and President, Rev. Geoffrey Black, joined in solidarity with Federal Communications Commissioner Mignon Clyburn and our allies at the Center for Media Justice and the Media Action Grassroots Network at the Strong Families, Safe Communities rally. The rally was part of the prison phone justice campaign to bring down the cost of telephone calls to prison. Support this work by joining our campaign. As they braved the chilly weather, the rally participants were pleased to learn that the Federal Communication Commission chairman moved the issue forward by starting the first phase of the regulatory process last night. The UCC's General Minister and President said, “The exorbitant costs of prison phone calls take money out of the pockets of grandmothers, pastors and children to put it in the pockets of jailors. We are here today to rally behind the Federal Communications Commission so that it will act to offer assistance to those families and people of faith who reach out to people in prison.” UCC OC Inc.'s policy advisor Cheryl Leanza praised the Commission for starting the process today, “This is the first step for the Federal Communications Commission. We are hopeful the other FCC Commissioners will vote this proposal, the FCC will gather the evidence it needs, and act swiftly to end the practice of predatory prison phone rates.” Full remarks of Rev. Geoffrey Black.
UCC Leader Rallies for Prison Phone Justice
Filed Under: UCC Media Justice